The launch of Ascendance Sustainability Group officially marks the death of my very first entrepreneurial endeavor, Idea Garden - Creativity & Consulting. Idea Garden was supposed to be a branding design and marketing agency, birthed by combining my years of marketing experience with a newfound love for graphic design. It did, in fact, serve that purpose for many years and many clients… a lot of which still TODAY use the graphics and websites we created for them as early as 2009. Over time however, it evolved into something different.
A former client’s website from 2017… still going strong!
You see, prior to founding my first company, I was on the grind at Universal Orlando Resort for 5 years in many different roles… all of them circulating around promoting and producing our annual events like Mardi Gras, Grad Bash and cult favorite, Halloween Horror Nights. It was my first and last real corporate job. I’ve since made it my mission in life to never go back to the days of 7am alarms and counting up PTO, but I did absolutely love my time there. The incredibly talented and wonderful people I worked with at Universal taught me everything that built the foundation for where I am today.
After launching Idea Garden in 2009, I landed what would eventually be my biggest client - Atlantis, Bahamas. What started as managing a few promotional radio contests for them eventually led me right back to huge event marketing campaigns around their concerts, sports tournaments and more. It was also around that time that I became more personally invested in attending music events… not only for the fun of it, but to observe the production quality and to see all the things I had learned behind the scenes in action.
An event my team promoted, did a social media activation for and filmed!
Fast forward years later to 2017, I found myself conflicted about working and attending these events. Knowing what I had learned about what humans were doing to the planet and seeing events “make it rain” waste, litter and carbon emissions on our environment; I just couldn’t blindly participate anymore… but I also knew there had to be a better solution than quitting events.
This is when I unknowingly planted the seed that would later kill Idea Garden.
I read THE book on Event Sustainability and called some friends in the event industry to get some practice. I offered to help pro-bono since it was my first time trying out this new service from Idea Garden and soon, Rakastella’s “Keep Her Wild” sustainability program was born. I didn’t know it at the time, but I had basically signed myself up for an unpaid internship that would change the entire course of my career.
Our very first Keep Her Wild post! Look at all those partners we brought on!
After successfully executing Rakastella’s first year program at Virginia Key, almost a full year after I had called them to volunteer, I started to see a dark cloud loom over Idea Garden. I knew I had found a new passion in helping outdoor music festivals be kind to the earth. It was, after all, the perfect marriage of my two favorite things: nature and music events… but I also knew the Idea Garden brand was not a good fit for the trendy cool kids that run these kinds of events. That’s not what it was intended for anyway.
So, the concept for Ascendance Sustainable Events was born in 2018 and I considered them a sister company of Idea Garden for a time. Little did I know this new little sister would be a murderer!
Expired Idea Garden Website… RIP.
When Ultra Music Festival was moved to Virginia Key for their 2019 edition, I had taken on a few larger events, including a 12K-person festival in Mexico, and felt I had really gotten my footing in event sustainability. However, never in my wildest dreams did I expect to get a call from the Ultra gods! A call, turned job interview, turned acceptance letter had me taking on full-time work as an employee of the festival and running Ascendance on the side with zero time to tend to Idea Garden.
My experience at Ultra will be for another blog, where I’ll happily tell you about the overwhelming success of Mission: Home and how we danced on clean dance floors for basically the first time ever… but what happened during the event is what planted the seeds of Ascendance Sustainability Group, or ASG as we lovingly call it.
I felt more proud of this than my college diploma.
To pull Ultra off, I knew I had to work with the best in the business and so we partnered with Anna Borofsky and Clean Vibes for the waste management program, Dr. Aurora Dawn Benton of Astrapto to help with audits and Jesse Uzzell of Climate Futures to start measuring and managing carbon footprint. Seeing what it took to make this event come together while witnessing these pros at work had me realize we were legitimately building a little sustainable city over the course of a couple months… but WHY ON EARTH were we breaking all of that progress down in just a few weeks, not to speak to each other again until the next event? It felt like such a sad ending for the level of skill, passion and grit that went into it all.
What happened next was unthinkable… on the heels of our second edition of Ultra, after another year of working with this talented team, it became the first U.S. festival to be cancelled due to this coronavirus thing. It made worldwide news and yet here we were at home with our new little sustainable city that would never see the light of day.
Worst day ever.
Enter lockdown, a force-quit on life; a silence so loud I had no choice but to look back and see how I got here… and when I did, there I saw Idea Garden so far in the distance. After two years in the dark, I realized my garden had died and as much as it pained me, I knew it was time to let it go.
Covid brought with it unexpected opportunity, however. All this time and new connectivity online had me doing virtual speaking engagements on a weekly basis. This caught the attention of the awesome team at TEDxMiami who invited me to speak at their version of Countdown, an event focused on climate action. My talk would be about “Leveling up your impact against climate change”. It focused on the concept that if we look at events as a microcosm of the world, we can apply what we’ve learned about sustainability in events to our lives, our companies and our cities.
Thanks for the great thumbnail face, YouTube. :/
After giving this talk I knew I had to heed my own advice, but I also knew I couldn’t do it alone… so I called up Anna, Aurora and Jesse and with our powers combined, ASG was born to take our talents to businesses, municipalities and more.
We dream about projects like helping a city become circular, building a sustainable residential development or engaging a community in ditching plastic. We fantasize about clients who have realized their ways are not so good for the planet and really want to do something about it. We’ve learned that it’s those clients who are the ones with the power to not only change their ways but become the next example of what’s possible for the world.
So that’s it… that’s our mission. To work with organizations who care about the environment and want to transform negative impacts into positive influence.
Our mission.
The funny thing is that in getting this mission off the ground, I realized that Idea Garden is actually not dead at all. It’s evolved. I’ve had to use every single skill that it took to run Idea Garden for almost 10 years in the development of Ascendance. Logos, website, social media graphics, sales documents, copy writing… it’s all been painstakingly created by yours truly.
I hope you love it, but beyond that I hope it inspires you to harness your power to protect the planet in your life, your business and your community.
Peruse the website or sign up for the Ascendance newsletter here, for more about how we can help.
- Founder, Vivian Belzaguy Hunter