This #EarthDay, I'm following my own advice from my TEDxTalk and "leveling up" my positive impact. If this pandemic taught me anything, it was that my work in sustainability is no longer bound by event gates.
So, please meet my latest labor of love, Ascendance Sustainability Group (ASG), on a mission to help local governments and businesses of all kinds harness their power to protect the planet, because we believe EVERYONE should have access to #sustainability.
While working music festivals with Ascendance Sustainable Events is still my jam, ASG is here to apply what mass events have taught us to larger-scale projects.
I am beyond thrilled to be collaborating with some of my most favorite people in the sustainability world to to give organizations access to expertise in all aspects of sustainability including waste, energy, procurement, nature conservation and community engagement.
To learn more about these fantastic folks and what we'll be up to PLUS support a sustainable business on Earth Day, follow us on instagram here and check out today's posts!
Ascendance Founder, Vivian Belzaguy